
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Vinícius de Castro;Polisel” ,找到相关结果约203464条。
Estrutura e aspectos da regenera??o natural de Floresta Ombrófila Mista no Parque Estadual de Campos do Jord?o, SP, Brasil
Souza, Rose Pereira Muniz de;Souza, Vinícius de Castro;Polisel, Rodrigo Trassi;Ivanauskas, Natália Macedo;
Hoehnea , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S2236-89062012000300004
Abstract: the objective of this study was to evaluate the floristics and structural differences between adult and regenerating components of a stretch of mixed ombrophyllous forest at parque estadual de campos do jord?o, within the scope of raising hypotheses on its successional trajectory. in order to sample the adult component (cbh > 15 cm), 50 permanent plots of 10 × 20 m were allotted while five sub-plots of 1 × 1 m of the regenerating component (h > 30 cm and cbh < 15 cm) were allotted in each plot. in the adult component, 1,770 individuals were sampled, distributed in 58 species, 38 genus and 26 families (h' = 3.08 and j = 0.73). in the regenerating component, 576 individuals, 55 species, 39 genus and 23 families (h' = 3.41 and j = 0.84) were sampled. we have concluded that procedures for conservation of the coniferous are needed.
Marcus Vinícius Pereira de Castro
Meritum : Revista de Direito da Universidade FUMEC , 2011,
Abstract: O Poder Público, quando em juízo, possui prerrogativas que criam um ramo específico do direito processual chamado de direito processual público. Com este trabalho visamos investigar as conseqüências de tais regras específicas na efetividade da jurisdi o contra a Fazenda, visto que um dos grandes objetivos da moderna doutrina processual é o de dar efetividade às decis es judiciais. é exposto no estudo que as regras específicas para o trato da Fazenda Pública em juízo tornam inefetiva e demorada a jurisdi o, bem como o controle judicial do Poder Público, atingindo, assim, diversos princípios fundamentais de direito constitucional e administrativo.
Consumidor de Carne Bovina: Preferencias e Confian a no A ougueiro
Marlon Vinícius Brisola,Ant?nio Maria Gomes de Castro
Revista de Administra??o FACES Journal , 2005,
Abstract: Este estudo buscou identificar as preferências do consumidor de carne bovina do Distrito Federal e sua rela o de confian a com o varejista. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram pouca confian a deste com o a ougueiro. Demonstrou ainda que os consumidores preferem os supermercados como ponto de compra e utilizam os aspectos físicos da carne para se garantirem da qualidade da mesma.
Consumidor de Carne Bovina: Preferencias e Confian §a no A §ougueiro
Marlon Vin?-cius Brisola,Ant?′nio Maria Gomes de Castro
Revista de Administra??o FACES Journal , 2005,
Abstract: Este estudo buscou identificar as prefer ancias do consumidor de carne bovina do Distrito Federal e sua rela § £o de confian §a com o varejista. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram pouca confian §a deste com o a §ougueiro. Demonstrou ainda que os consumidores preferem os supermercados como ponto de compra e utilizam os aspectos f -sicos da carne para se garantirem da qualidade da mesma.
Preferências do consumidor de carne bovina do Distrito Federal pelo ponto de compra e pelo produto adquirido Preferences of beef consumers in Brasilia for point of purchase and product characteristics
Marlon Vinícius Brisola,Ant?nio Maria Gomes de Castro
Rege : Revista de Gest?o , 2005,
Abstract: O presente estudo busca conhecer e explorar as preferências do consumidor de carne bovina do Distrito Federal, considerando-se o seu perfil sociodemográfico, suas op es pelo ponto de compra e suas preferências quanto a este ponto e ao produto. Foi aplicado um survey a 413 consumidores e compradores de carne bovina em locais estrategicamente selecionados, a partir de uma estratifica o da popula o. Entre os resultados, observou-se uma preferência desses consumidores pelos supermercados, como ponto de compra. A higiene do ambiente, a conserva o dos produtos e a atua o de uma fiscaliza o sanitária superam o baixo pre o oferecido pelo ponto de compra, como aspectos preferenciais. Em rela o ao produto, os consumidores apreciam mais os aspectos visuais (cores da carne e da gordura), a limpeza da pe a e aspectos relacionados ao sabor e maciez, que informa es sobre o produto e sua origem apresentadas na embalagem. A survey was made to determine preferences in the purchase of beef by 413 consumers in Brasília. It was conducted by using their demographic profile, option for the point of purchase, preference of the point of purchase and meat characteristics. Locations were strategically chosen based upon a stratification of the population. Results disclosed that costumers had a preference for supermarkets. The hygiene of the environment, conservation of the products and the sanitary inspection were more important than an attractive price offered by the purchase point. Regarding the product, consumers preferred the better appearance of the meat color and fat, care in trimming the meat and aspects related to the expected taste and tenderness instead of the information and origin shown on the packaging.
Varia??o da retrabilidade da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex. Maiden, em fun??o da idade e da posi??o radial no tronco
Silva, José de Castro;Oliveira, José Tarcísio Silva;Xavier, Bruno Almeida;Castro, Vinícius Resende;
Revista árvore , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-67622006000500014
Abstract: the objective of this work was to study the linear and volumetric shrinkage variation of the eucalyptus grandis wood, along the radial plane at four different ages (10, 14, 20 and 25 years), from commercial stands. the samples were removed from the diametrical board of each of the sixteen trees (four from each age), taken from four equidistant positions (0, 33, 66 and 100%), in the pith -bark direction. the species, as a whole, showed a high dimensional stability, with mean values of volumetric shrinkage of 18.11% and radial, tangential and longitudinal shrinkage of 6.09%, 10.44% and 0.45%, respectively; and tangential/radial ratio of 1.71. except for the longitudinal shrinkage and the tangential/radial ratio, all of the parameters showed a tendency to increase with age and radial direction, from pith-to-bark.
Seamless Video Session Handoff between WLANs
Claudio de Castro Monteiro,Paulo Roberto de Lira Gondim,Vinícius de Miranda Rios
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications , 2010, DOI: 10.1155/2010/602973
Abstract: Handoff in a distributed IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN network is a source of significant amount of problems on the video transmission environment. The visual quality of video streaming applications is lowered when stations are in handoff status. In this paper, we introduce an architecture of a session proxy (SP), which tries to preserve the quality of the streaming video upon each handoff between access points. We have evaluated thresholds of RSSI and Loss Frame Rate (LFR) for deciding the moment when the handoff process shall begin. Our solution performance was evaluated in a testbed implementation for MPEG-4 video on demand with one video server (VLS) and two FreeBSD-based access points supporting Mobile IP, DHCP Server and IAPP approach.
Torus mandibular
Janice Simpson de Paula,Claudia de Castro Rezende,Marcos Vinícius Queiroz de Paula
Odonto , 2010,
Abstract: Introdu o: o torus mandibular é um crescimento ósseo protuberante, conhecido como hiperostose ou exostose, que ocorre na regi o mandibular da cavidade oral. N o é uma patologia ou uma forma o tumoral, mas uma peculiaridade anat mica rara, assintomática que, em geral, n o causa danos ao paciente. Ocasionalmente precisa ser removido. Objetivos: apresentar um caso clínico de torus mandibular e revisar as várias hipóteses relativas à etiologia, as indica es para remo o do torus e o diagnóstico diferencial. Descri o do Caso: torus mandibular bilateral, diagnosticado por meio de anamnese, exame clínico e radiográfico. Conclus o: após completo exame foi assegurada a ausência de qualquer característica clínica particular (dor espontanea ou dor à palpa o, mobilidade dental), pode-se eliminar a possibilidade de neoplasia. O torus mandibular n o causa desconforto ou perturba o funcional, a n o ser em casos especiais como quando impede a mobilidade da língua.
Flora vascular do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, S?o Paulo, Brasil
Lima, Renato Augusto Ferreira de;Dittrich, Vinícius Antonio de Oliveira;Souza, Vinícius Castro de;Salino, Alexandre;Breier, Tiago B?er;Aguiar, Osny Tadeu de;
Biota Neotropica , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1676-06032011000400018
Abstract: located in the serra de paranapiacaba, south of s?o paulo state, the carlos botelho state park (pecb) shelters more than 37,000 ha of atlantic forest in one of the most important and large remnants of this biome in brazil. in the park the montane and submontane rain forests are the predominant types of forests. aiming to organize the available floristic information and to orient future surveys, this study presents the list of native vascular species of the pecb forests. besides authors′ personal collections, more than 3,900 records since 1967 were compiled. coming from different sources of information, these records were checked for the presence of botanical synonyms and new combinations. a total of 1,143 species belonging to 528 genera and 140 families were listed (other 63 species were not included because they were non-native or of doubtful occurrence/determination). there was a great richness of myrtaceae, orchidaceae, fabaceae, asteraceae, melastomataceae, lauraceae, rubiaceae and bromeliaceae. although high species richness was found, the richness of herbs, lianas and epiphytes are certainly underestimated and future surveys will add many species to the list presented here. in addition, more than 60 endangered species were found, mainly among the myrtaceae, lauraceae and gesneriaceae families. therefore, these results put the pecb among the most species-rich conservation units of s?o paulo state with great relevance to national conservancy of plant diversity.
Bilateral nongranulomatous anterior uveitis associated with chancre of the tongue: initial presentation of syphilis
Clovis Arcoverde de Freitas-Neto, Vinícius Monteiro Castro, Daniel Vitor Vasconcelos-Santos
Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection , 2013, DOI: 10.1186/1869-5760-3-33
Abstract: Findings: A 51-year-old male presented with bilateral nongranulomatous anterior uveitis associated with an isolated syphilitic chancre of the tongue that was successfully treated with parenteral benzathine penicillin.Syphilis has the potential to lead to any type of intraocular inflammation. A careful review of the symptoms is useful for the detection of extraocular signs of syphilitic infection.

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